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10 Things You Should Do After Closing

10 Things You Should Do After Closing

You made the decision to buy a home, and you have just closed. After months of planning and preparing, you may think it is time to finally celebrate. Now that you are officially a home owner, there are a few things you need to do right away. To make the transition into your new home seamless, make sure you knock out the items on this checklist of 10 things you should do after closing.

Rekey Your Locks

The key you were given at closing to your new home is the same key that multiple REALTORS and the previous owner/tenant used to access the home. While I like to believe all people are good, you should assume they’re not, and have your locks rekeyed. This is covered by your Residential Service Contract (Home Warranty.) While you are at it, change codes on all keypads.

Download Operating Instructions and Manuals

Your new home may have a programmable thermostat, alarm system or other devices that you don’t know how to use. You don’t need the sellers to come over and give you an lesson, though. Most operating instructions and manuals are available online. You only need to Google search the brand and model.

Save Closing Documents Securely

You just signed a lot of documents, and odds are you are going to need them again. Upload electronic copies of your survey, HOA documents and mortgage documents to a cloud or back up to an external hard drive. Save original copies in a safety deposit box.

Update Your Driver License

Depending on the state you live in, you have a limited amount of time to update your license to reflect your new address. You will also need to update your license to file for the homestead exemption, which will save you money on your property taxes.

Change Your Address

Hopefully you have already done this, but if you haven’t, make sure that your mail gets to your new address. Update your car insurance provider too. Your rate may lower depending on where you live.

Cover Your Windows

Your new home may not come with blinds or curtains, and your neighbors don’t need to see all your belongings, or you, in your birthday suit.

Meet Your Neighbors

Get to know your neighbors and make friends. Neighbors watch out for each other and suspicious activity. Join your neighborhood Facebook and Next Door pages.

Know Your Home Warranty

Know how to reach your home warranty, what is covered, and what the procedure for repairs is. You don’t want to overspend hiring a contractor to repair something when it is already covered by your home warranty.

Contact The HOA

It is likely that the title company facilitated a transfer of ownership with the HOA, and they’re aware that you are the new owner. However, details fall through the cracks. Contact them directly to make sure you know and have contact information for the president, and that they have your contact details for sharing new information.

File For The Homestead Exemption

In Texas, the homestead exemption can save you up to 20% on your property taxes. This is big money! You only need to complete and submit a form by the deadline.

Do you have more questions about what you should do after you buy a home? Comment below or use the contact form to reach out directly.

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