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4 Reasons to Buy a House in Winter (1)

4 Reasons to Buy a House in Winter

Real estate advice suggests shopping for a home and moving in the spring and summer months. This wisdom rings true for buyers and renters, alike. There are more options on the market, sunlight cascades into homes, and yards are a rich green. Sometimes, you have no control over when you move. Or maybe you like to go against convention. I have 4 reasons to buy a house in winter.

Less Competition

Since most people are shopping in the spring and summer, you’ll have significantly less competition in the winter months. In hot markets where there are often multiple offers, the winter shoppers have an advantage. This is true in Houston neighborhoods like Houston Heights, and in budgets below $300,000.00. You will see fewer houses flying off the market just after going on, and you might even avoid a bidding war.

Lower Prices

With demand being lower in the winter, it is only logical that sellers will be willing to negotiate. It is likely that you will see listings with lower prices than in the warmer months. Sellers may even be willing to negotiate on closing costs, contract deadlines, and non-realty items such as appliances. Many agents advise sellers to wait until the spring to list their home; so, a seller in the winter is a motivated one.

REALTOR® Availability

Due to the low activity of the winter, you’re going to get a lot more of your agent’s time and attention. A REALTOR® should always work hard for you, but agents can be stretched thin in the peak season. During the winter, an agent will have more time for showings and negotiations.

Rising Interest Rates

With interest rates steadily increasing, there isn’t a good reason to wait. Just because you missed the buying season this year doesn’t mean you should wait until next year. If your finances are in order, take advantage of the lower prices and seller flexibility available during the winter.

If you’re ready to buy a home, give me a call. We’ll bundle up (Ha! Who am I kidding in Houston?) and find the perfect home for you this winter!

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