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6 Reasons Your Home is Still on the Market

6 Reasons Your Home is Still on the Market

Uh-oh! Your home has been on the market for a while but isn’t attracting buyers. Why is that? There are several possibilities. I’ve compiled a list of common issues among homes that aren’t selling. Review our 6 reasons your home is still on the market and reevaluate.


If your home is overpriced, you could be deterring potential buyers who would otherwise be interested. On the other hand, if you underprice your home, you might miss buyers who are looking for homes in a particular price-range. One possible solution: price your home at market value.


Animal Odors
I hate to say it, but pets can stink. If you have well-behaved pets, there’s a good chance you can simply clean the rugs and furniture to remove odors. However, if your dog or cat has insisted on doing their business on the living room carpet, for instance, you might fare better by just replacing the carpet. Potential buyers can typically smell animal odors the moment they walk into a home, often creating confusion and a pretty negative first impression. Are bad smells coming from the furniture or the rugs? How much will it cost to fix? Some potential buyers don’t want to deal with this kind of uncertainty.


If your home is in a rough part of town, it might be difficult to sell it. The bottom line is that you can’t change the location of your home. You can change other things about it such as style and price to make it more appealing to buyers. I suggest making your home as modern and welcoming as possible to generate interest. You may even consider price reduction if necessary.


Bold Paints and Designs
Lime-green bathroom? Rubber ducky wallpaper? Rainbow-themed subway tile in the kitchen? While these design choices may have been your preference, potential buyers have their own. Redesigning a home costs money, and potential buyers know this. Unless they’re up for a remodel, your home may get crossed off their list.


Outdated Style and Finishes
Vintage style can be so charming, can’t it? Unfortunately, many people don’t see it that way when buying a home. Modern appliances often work more efficiently, better match popular style preferences, and say something about status. Likewise, a bathroom that hasn’t been redecorated since the 1970s could pose a problem. A reluctance to keep your home visually updated could signal to potential buyers that your home hasn’t been updated in a while at all. They may worry about what unseen updates are lurking in the future.


Deferred Maintenance
Leaks in the roof? Buyers may worry about hidden mold growing within the structure’s walls. Outdated electrical? This could be a fire hazard. Deferred maintenance can wind up being very expensive for the new owner to remedy – as a result, potential buyers may feel it’s best to move on to another home for consideration.


Are you interested in buying or selling a home? Contact us today at 713-364-5883 or info@angelfultzrealty.com.

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