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Women Outpacing Men in Homeownership

Women Outpacing Men in Homeownership

Although the average woman in the United States only earns 80% of what the average male earns, according to Lending Tree, single women in the U.S. are outpacing single men in homeownership. Not only is this the case around the country but in Houston, as well! Read on to learn the details about women outpacing men in homeownership.

The Numbers
Using data from the 2017 U.S. Census Bureau’s American Community Survey, Lending Tree discovered that single women in Houston owned roughly 267,337 homes. Single men, on the other hand, only owned 157,255. The gap is pretty astonishing! It’s a whopping 7.8 percent, and it’s not even the largest gap in Texas.

Beyond the bluebonnet state, Lending Tree found that women own more homes than single men in each of the 50 largest cities.

The trend is obviously surprising. Since men earn more money than women on average, one might think that they would be more likely to be homeowners. Yet, single men only own 13 percent of homes in the U.S. while single women own about 22 percent.

What could be going on here?

Entrepreneurship & Empowerment
It’s 2020, and women are feeling empowered! We’re ready to take on new challenges and make big moves even if it means doing so by ourselves. For some women, this includes buying a home as an investment property.

Rebelling Against Expectations
Women no longer feel like they need a spouse to own a home. Many women save aggressively from a young age, knowing that they want to own a home no matter who else may or may not be living in it. Men may not be as aggressive about saving, nor may they feel the same pride a woman does about making such a large purchase independently.

Women Tend to be More Risk-Averse
Women may be more risk-averse than men from both an evolutionary and environmental perspective. Turns out, this characteristic can do more than give us pause before going cage-diving with sharks. By purchasing homes within their budgets, women are simply more likely to not lose their homes. On the flip side, men are more likely to stretch beyond their means.

Finally, one more possibility: Women are more likely to be caretakers of children, the sick, and the elderly. Caretakers often want the space and security a home offers. With a house, there’s no need to worry about anyone unexpectedly telling you to hit the road – so long as you pay your mortgage and keep the bank happy. In this way, homeownership can be surprisingly freeing!

Are you interested in buying or selling a home? Contact us today at 713-364-5883 or


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